Sunday School Department
Sunday school department is doing ministry amongst the children - dancing, reading Scripture and songs. The Bible says children are the heritage from the Lord. God does not want to lose even a single soul. So He wants us to bring them to the Lord. Adi Baptist Union takes the responsibility to bring them up in the Lord so that, when they grow up, they will not go astray. They will remember all the teaching they received during their childhood. Sometimes, they may forget their parents' advice but when they are taught well with the Word of God they will never forget. We take this ministry very seriously and we are doing well by the Grace of God and reaching many children.
They also conduct Sunday school conferences, winter vacation camps, summer vacation camps and many more.
At present, in most of the local churches in our association, the Sunday school department is doing their ministry according to the convention of the local churches. In all the churches, where Sunday school is running well, there is teacher who takes the responsibility for them.
We ask your prayer support for this department.